Sunday, August 18, 2013

Getting Rooms Ready - WILD-style!

We have been working all week, in between meetings, to get kindergarten rooms ready for the first day of school, and the rooms have never looked better!  We are taking a walk on the WILD side this year!  Thought you might enjoy some of the highlights of our rooms.

Outside the rooms, in the hallways
 First day picture op!


 Bulletin Boards

  This is our creed this year!

Explorers made themselves as explorers during Orientation!

Vocabulary display
 New alphabet, safari-themed
Table identifiers

Book of the Month and Genre Book Baskets
Behavior chart (flip card style)
Birthday display (ready for photos)
 Themed windows

 Just fun decorations!

Hallway tables outside classrooms decorated


Even the bathrooms are decorated!
Cubbies ready for backpacks

Word Wall
Ready for Common Core Standards

Ready for student work in the hallway

Clever ways to hide cords!
Everything laid out and ready to go!



Maria Mallon & Cheryl Dillard said...

Lots of imagination and time went into decorating these rooms -- they all look great. Tomorrow the kids will be the icing on the zebra cake. MM

Melanie Holtsman said...

I know so many hours go into all this work but it is so worth it when you see the awe on the faces of the children and their parents. Lots of sweet little faces lit up as they walked into our school this morning!